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Kegiatan Praktisi Mengajar Pendidikan Kimia S2 dan S3

Teaching Practitioner Activities
- Tisna Kusuma, S.Si.T., M.Tr.T.
Masters and Doctoral Chemistry Education is holding a Teaching Practitioner activity program which will be held starting September 28 2023. Inviting extraordinary speakers, the Director of PT Yakusa Lestari Bersama and the Director of CV i-chem Textile Solution, namely Mr. Tisna Kusuma, S.Si.T. , M.Tr.T. He delivered material regarding Introduction to Textile Technology, Textile Fibers, Textile Finishing, and Advanced Textiles which will then be held during the next 8 hour meeting. This activity was attended by PhD students in Chemistry Education, Masters students in Chemistry Education, and general categories.
- Yuli Nestiyarum, S.Pd.
On Friday, September 29 2023, a Teaching Practitioner activity was held which invited one of the outstanding teachers, the Driving Teacher, the DIY Technology Ambassador, as well as the Chemistry Teacher at SMAN 1 Seyegan, Mrs. Yuli Nestiyarum, S.Pd. He conveyed about Today's Educators & Trends in Teaching Practices. This activity was attended by PhD students in Chemistry Education, Masters students in Chemistry Education, and general categories.
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