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Module Handbook
I. Module Handbook of Curriculum 2019
A. Semester I
- PPS8201 - Science Philosophy
- PPS8202 - Statistics
- PPS8304 - Educational Research Methodology
- MPK8202 - Design and Implementation of Chemistry Curriculum
- MPK8204 - Current Issues in Chemistry Education
- MPK8206 - Inorganic Sructural Chemistry
- MPK8209 - Biomolecule and Genetics Engineering
- MPK8110 - Chemical Practicum
- Elective Courses
B. Semester II
- MPK8211 - Thesis Proposal
- MPK8201 - Innovation in Chemistry Learning
- MPK8203 - Development of Assessment and Evaluation in Chemistry Education
- MPK8205 - Chemical Spectroscopy
- MPK8207 - Structure Elucidation of Organic Chemistry
- MPK8208 - Solution Chemistry and Analytical Electrochemistry
- Elective Courses
C. Semester III
D. Semester IV
- MPK8214 - Computers Skill In Chemistry
- MPK8215 - Models of ChemistryTeaching and Learning
- MPK8216 - Visual and Visualization in Chemistry Education
- MPK8217 - Chemistry Teaching and Learning Practices
- MPK8218 - Special Topics in Chemistry
- MPK8219 - Mechanisms and Reactivity of Organic and Inorganic Reactions
- MPK8220 - Science and Ethics In Chemistry
- MPK8221 - Problem Solving In Chemistry Education
II. Module Handbook of Curriculum 2016
A. Semester I
- PAS8201 - Science Philosophy
- PAS8202 - Educational Research Methods
- PAS8203 - Statistics
- KIM8201 - Chemistry Learning Innovation
- KIM8204 - Current Issues in Research on Chemistry Education
- KIM8208 - Chemical Spectroscopy
- KIM8207 - Inorganic Structural Chemistry
- KIM8214 - Biomolecules and Genetics Engineering
- KIM8216 - Practical and Chemical Projects
B. Semester II
- KIM8110 - Project for Writing Thesis Proposals
- KIM8202 - Design and Implementation of Chemistry Curriculum
- KIM8203 - Development of Chemical Learning Assessment and Evaluation
- KIM8208 - Elucidation of the Structure of Organic Compounds
- KIM8209 - Solution Chemistry and Analytical Electrochemistry
- Elective Courses
C. Semester III
- KIM8211 - Thesis Proposal Seminar
- KIM8113 - Scientific Writing
- Elective Courses
D. Semester IV
- KIM8215 - Computer Skills in Chemistry
- KIM8219 - Modern Technical Analysis
- KIM8220 - Theory and Mecanism of Organic Reaction
- KIM8221 - Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Reactions
- KIM8222 - Chemical Learning Practicum
- KIM8223 - Model and Modeling in Chemical Learning
- KIM8224 - Visualization in Chemical Education
- KIM8225 - Problem and Solving in Chemistry Education
- KIM8226 - Special Topics in Chemical Science
- KIM8227 - Qualitative Research Methods in Chemistry Education
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