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A. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) of MEC
The Programme Learning Outcomes of the Master of Education in Chemistry (MEC) are defined as follows. After the completion of MEC, the students should demonstrate the following:
- Enabling to cooperate and having good morals, ethics and personality in completing their duties, social sensitivity and high concern for the community and its environment (PLO1)
- Respect to the diversity of cultures, views, beliefs, and religions as well as other people's original opinions/ findings and love the country and support world peace as citizens (PLO2)
- Upholding the rule of law and having the spirit to prioritize the interests of the nation and the wider community (PLO3)
- Enabling to internalize the entrepreneurial spirit, academic values and norms that are properly related to honesty, ethics, attribution, copyright, confidentiality and ownership of data (PLO4)
(Able to develop knowledge, technology, and or art in the scientific field or professional practice through research, to produce innovative and tested works)
- Implementing and developing knowledge and technology in the field of chemistry education through reasoning and scientific research based on logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking (PLO5)
- Developing chemistry education through scientific research, or producing scientific works along with study concepts based on scientific rules arranged in the form of a thesis (PLO6)
- Publishing the results of research in the field of chemistry education in scientific journals nationally and internationally accredited (PLO7)
- Increasing the capacity of independent learning (PLO8)
- Having structured learning skills for self-development, science, and career sustainability (PLO9)
- Enabling to think critically, make informed decisions, and communicate effectively, academically, and ethically (PLO10)
(Able to solve the problems of science, technology, and or art in the scientific field through an inter or multidisciplinary approach)
- Documenting, storing, auditing, securing, and rediscovering research data for further research purposes (PLO11)
- Identifying the scientific field of the research object and positioning it into a research map (PLO12)
- Carrying out chemistry education research based on research maps, with an inter- or multi-disciplinary approach, independently or in collaboration with other institutions (PLO13)
(Able to manage research and development that is beneficial to society and science, and able to get national and international recognition)
- Developing and maintaining networks with colleagues, including in the broader research institutions and communities (PLO14)
- Arranging and communicating ideas and arguments that can be scientifically accountable and academic ethics, through various forms of media to the community, especially the academic community (PLO15)
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